Thursday, March 15, 2007

ABOUT [via]Corpora

[via]Corpora, an extension of not-for-profit Los Angeles based theater collective ARTEL, is a center designed for performers and non-performers alike who desire to deepen their experience of the world and their expressive abilities. Through classes and workshops participants explore individually as well as collectively the connections between breath, rhythm, alignment, coordination, voice, intellect, emotion and spirit. Our goal is to build a community of participants based on Joy and Play in which all can discover and share their insights into body-mind perception and expression.

Performance Research and Development Center, is the heart of [via]Corpora. While extending our research into non-performance related applications, the bulk of worksessions offered at the center are designed to provide training to the Los Angeles community of actors and performers based on physical approaches to the craft.

Our long-term goal is to create a format for a deeper investigation, a series of ongoing weekly workshops, based on the participants' needs and interests. Possibilities include: Advanced Physical Explorations, Application of Physical Approaches to Scenes or Monologues, From the Feet Up: approaches to character, BodyVoices, Toning and Tuning, Presence: Generating Gravitas, Composition to Performance, etc. If you are unable to attend our worksessions but wish to participate in the future, please contact us at 213-249-1690.
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