Sunday, June 1, 2008

Master Worksessions in commedia dell'Arte

[via]Corpora & John Achorn
Ongoing W
orksessions in
commedia dell’Arte

Stage II A six week intermediate/advanced class exploring character, selected lazzi, & scenarios ~ exploring how to apply commedia to the 21st Century

Monday evenings 7:00~10:00pm @ [via]Corpora Studio
Beginning Monday, June 16 ~ thru July 28

Stage I – A six week introduction to the essential elements of the commedia
style: mask, mime, improvisation, character, physical routines, ensemble.

Saturdays 10:00am – 1:00pm @ [via]Corpora Studio
Saturday, June 28 ~ thru August 2

Cost: $210 ~ Early Registration Discount (before June 9th): $180
Please make checks payable to:

John Achorn
653 Rose Avenue
Venice CA 90291

Contact: 310-396-3314 or

[via]Corpora: 6575 Santa Monica Boulevard Hollywood, CA 90038

John Achorn is a master teacher in commedia dell’Arte, having studied with Carlo Mazzone-Clementi; he was an original member of the Dell-Arte Company and was instrumental in the founding of the renowned Dell’Arte School in Blue Lake CA. Mr. Achorn has taught workshops and classes for over 35 years at such institutions as UCLA, UC Santa Cruz, UC Riverside, University of Redlands, UC San Diego, USC, The Children’s Theatre Company of Minneapolis, ARTEL and the Antaeus Company here in Los Angeles. He is an actor, director and writer.

The Song of the Goat comes to Los Angeles

The Song of the Goat (Teatr Piesn Kozla) begins its first 5 day workshop in LA Monday!

Artel Members Bryan Brown and Valerie McCann as well as [via]Corpora participant Garth Whitten will be joining 7 others for the first American extended workshop held by Grzegorz Bral and co-produced by Ghost Road Company with support from [via]Corpora.

Another workshop is planned for November and we hope this is only the beginning of Teatr Piesn Kozla's work in Los Angeles.

Updates and thoughts on the practice are planned for the What Arises? blogsite later in the week.

For more information:

Justyna Warecka
Assistant to the Director
Wroclaw / Los Angeles
Teatr Piesn Kozla / Song of the Goat Theater

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