Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Song of the Goat comes to Los Angeles

The Song of the Goat (Teatr Piesn Kozla) begins its first 5 day workshop in LA Monday!

Artel Members Bryan Brown and Valerie McCann as well as [via]Corpora participant Garth Whitten will be joining 7 others for the first American extended workshop held by Grzegorz Bral and co-produced by Ghost Road Company with support from [via]Corpora.

Another workshop is planned for November and we hope this is only the beginning of Teatr Piesn Kozla's work in Los Angeles.

Updates and thoughts on the practice are planned for the What Arises? blogsite later in the week.

For more information:

Justyna Warecka
Assistant to the Director
Wroclaw / Los Angeles
Teatr Piesn Kozla / Song of the Goat Theater

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